Here is episode 2 of Niles Nemo in Segaland from the October-November 1990 issue of Sega Visions Magazine, almost a quarter of a century ago! The Sega Genesis version of Columns was brand new.
Bill Kunkel wrote another great script with some very creative characters and scenes. FUN FACTS: The stage manager character is a cartoon rendering of my friend and
The NoWhere-Men™ writing partner,
Dave LeBlanc. Dave is not a little person, nor does he normally wear a toga, but otherwise he looked just like that circa 1990. Also, this was the first Niles Nemo adventure where I rendered separate art for the line art and color, using a fairly complex technique to get the look I was after in the color. If memory serves, I believe I went through this process because I was less than satisfied with the fact that my hand lettering was printed in color in the first episode, rather than separated out and printed in just black ink. Separating the line art from the color also gave me crisper black line work throughout.
Here's the rundown on my technique:
Having done the pencils on a large layout pad, and then inked and lettered them on a light box onto Bristol board, I next rendered the color on a separate overlay. I did this by putting a sheet of watercolor paper over the inked art and tracing the color areas in colored pencil on the light box. For example, Nile’s coat would be outlined in red pencil. Then, I could paint in the colors using overhead light, which gave me more control over the tonalities. Finally, I would add some airbrush effects, more colored pencil, and voila! This was in the early days of desktop publishing, and though the rest of the magazine was produced using various graphic programs, I was many years away from learning how to use a computer to generate art. Today, I still use pen and ink for all my illustrations and then scan, and finish them in Photoshop.
As always, click on the images to see the larger art, and stay tuned for more Niles Nemo adventures!
NEXT: Barbarians, dragons, and elves! Oh my!!
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